Thursday, October 9, 2008

Working hard

So while James was gone I have decided to get some painting done. We have been debating about doing it since we got here but I am so glad I did now. I have only done two rooms so far. Mackenzies room is done and hers is a nice pink color. And then I painted the front room. I picked Cappacinno. So Now I am busy trying to paint going up the stairs. It is a little more difficult but it will look good. In the pics what you see is done. But I am still having to get the area closer to the ceiling done. Any how well James came home last night and I am so glad to see him. He had been gone for about 3 weeks, and is leaving again next week for 2 more or so. So I am ready for it all to be over for a little while. I am so grateful he will be home for the Holidays this year and that we will have that with him before he leaves for such a long time in Feb.


Happy said...

Tara and James;

The color is great. I am glad to see the color. I was afraid it was going to be dark. It is a warm and inviting color for those who come into your home. GREAT CHOICE!!



LeAnn said...

I was just thinking I haven't seen you in such a long time. Now I know why. You've been busy! The color looks so warm. I might have to invite myself over so I can get a peek. :) Will your landlord make you paint when you move?

sunshine said...

The house look great. Did you have to get permission to paint the house, or is your landlord nice enough to let you do what you want with it? Anyway You did a great job on it. Glad to hear that James is home for a little while. Have a god time together. We Love you all and miss you very much.

Margaret and Dad

Jenn said...

This looks even better in person. You really know how to pick a good paint color.

Kara and Theo said...

Nice color! I can't wait to someday have a house that I can paint.